I've been waiting patiently, as you team members have. I was hoping and praying to make an announcement when we had both wells paid for.
The update I just recieved last Friday from charity:water stated a huge congratulations for how much WE have raised toward our wells. But not quite there yet. SO close.
Team Ethiopia is less than $800 away from our goal of $10,000.00!!! That's huge.
I want to thank each and every one of you. No matter what you contributed, it has added up to one huge number!
Please pray with me that the rest comes in soon so we can celebrate and I can order the thank you gifts to send you all!!
I DO NOT ask anyone of you to contribute any more than you have - you have done SO much.
Please, say quick prayer that our $790 comes in so we can rejoice at raising $10k and drilling our TWO wells.
The most exciting thing for me originally was picturing myself being there while the drilling was happening. Since that's not possible (and I fully appreciate why - now.) At first I was upset to learn that news. I thought about it some more and realized that being there for the drilling would be exciting for ME. That is selfish.
What God has told me, whispered in my ear, NO, he doesn't ever whisper to me. He slaps me in the face to get my attention. You all know that by now about me! ;)
Here's what he told me.
One day, in several years from now, when you take your family to Ethiopia, you will visit the wells that Team Ethiopia built. You will take your daughter to them (since charity:water gives us the exact location and puts it on google earth) and explain to her that it is because of HER that these wells exist.
And each of you, when you travel again to Ethiopia you can visit the wells and explain to your children why you joined Team Ethiopia. Because of them.
I cannot wait for that day.