MP and I went to dinner with our dear friends PQ & RQ a couple of weeks ago and Paula gave us this WONDERFUL collection of children's stories that she and her brother had growing up in the 50's! They are amazing and we will treasure them (and make sure the kids don't get their hands on them until they're much older) forever! Thanks PQ!!! We had a fantastic dinner with them, the time flies by too fast!
Here's an example of one of the illustrations on the inside cover! Amazing!
*Teaser shot* Yes, there's a glimpse of her dresser with her Diva jacket that I found at Gap for $20!!! It's just darling in person! The room is DONE except we have NOTHING for wall hangings just yet! I hate the stuff I see at the usual stores and the stuff I want is ridiculously expensive. So, I have some wonderful creative ideas, but most have to do with having some happy shots of the Princess.... pictures of the room may have to be posted before the final completion! :)

This picture may not look like much from the get go, but it's HUGE for my family. You see, my Dad is blind, he hasn't always been. He lost his eyesight over thirty years ago to a hereditary eye disease (RP)... My Dad spent summers on a lake with his family and into his teenage years. He was a fish! But, he hasn't swam or entered the lake past his knees in my memory.
Something came over him when we were up there and he came out of the camp with his swim trunks on and said he was going for a swim! He said he wanted to swim out to the raft. I didn't really believe him but went to get my camera to get some video or take some shots. While I was in the house I heard MP shouting so that my father could hear him... he was telling my dad which direction to swim towards so MP would be able to assist him getting on the raft. I didn't get out there in time to catch it on video but I saw it and I'm so proud. He sat out there for just a few minutes and wanted to head back to shore. I scrambled to get his towel and down the steps to be there when he got to standing level in the water! He was quite shaken by it but he swam beautifully! Love you Daddy - we're always proud of you! It was incredible...
My guys! Think MP got enough sun that day!?!