A little Tessa sweetness - I want to bite her daily!
this blog was created to chart the journey to Ethiopia and back...Tessa Bezu came home August 2008!
A little Tessa sweetness - I want to bite her daily!
Please, any amount is enough. $5.00???
We're cooking... I know how tired you are of seeing my ugly mug doing charity:water stuff. So here is a quick fix of the kiddos!
You didn't think I'd let some charity:water slip through a post did you?? ;)
Ok, so people have questions and I've thought through this whole thing a little more. What I'm thinking is that we set a goal of June to get either one hundred or two hundred families involved. That would secure that we can dig one or two wells in Ethiopia. To keep it easier than having people donate to paypal directly to charity water now, I'd like to just compile a list of families (see sidebar) until we reach our goal. When we do, we'll send the funds all at one time to charity: water to make sure there is no confusion and they can allocate it directly to our wells and get moving on it! Make sense? To anyone that wants to get letters and or dvd's about charity: water, let me know and I can send them to you. This way you can mail them to family and friends outside of our wonderful adoption community! Also, lets come up with a name for our well(s)!! These will not be my wells, they are OUR WELLS!! And we can do it! We will see it happen - glory be!
And I will stop at nothing to promote this project. Many of you know that I'm not stranger to embarrassment and I plan to exercise my stupidity and humor to get families on board! Trust me, times are tough for my family too. I have no current work. But I know I can swing $50!