I'll just blurt out the main details so you don't have to read through the gobble-de-gook if you prefer not to~ (blogger is not letting me break paragraphs, sorry)!!!
So, if you've read the last two posts you know of the recent "bump" again with our original request from our agency (24mos. & under - either gender).
It could seriously be another four months if we continued on that path not including any other "bumpers"! That's not to say that we couldn't have rec'd "the call" in a couple of months, and it also doesn't mean that by stretching out our age request that we'll get "the call" next week or even very soon (but we will, wink wink)!
So after crying last night, getting over it, crying more, getting over it I woke up feeling OK. Not great and not bad. Just OK. I proceeded with our normal routine with b.fast and got Nick ready as today is one of his "school" days (pre-school). After I dropped him off and headed for Walgreens for some badly needed Singulair allergy meds. I started to cry again! Within about one minute of my utter self centeredness and "why me", "why do I keep failing" bull crap, I almost literally was slapped in the face and heard this voice (not literally like a stranger was in the car, but you know what I'm trying to say)... here's what I felt and heard like a thunderbolt!
"What the hell is the matter with you? What is the freakin big deal. Get over yourself! Look at all of those children. The facts are; 1. Children need families (older) 2. You want a child! How hard is it to figure out that you must change your age request"?
And with that I started shaking and called MP. Of course he was in between meetings and had only two minutes to talk... I started to tell him "we need to change, it's so clear and stupid that we never did. One of the reasons we went to 24mos. is because the agency and country for that matter was in dire need for parents of toddlers". I continued,"all this time we've both been secretly hoping for a girl and want one so bad but were afraid to mess with "fate" and God's plan". I told him "its time to up our age span and specify that we request a little girl". Before I was even done speaking he butted in, "do it, do it now, this is right"!
So, it took a bit for it to sink in and I completed my drug store excursion with happy puffy eyes and still shaky! Got home and talked with my mom real quick and immediately called our sw Roy (awesome, love him). Of course I had to alert my BBF's before doing this post and have done so!
Thanks for the overjoyed responses thus far....
I don't second guess this decision one single bit (which is rare for the rule follower that I am) and am convinced that this is our fate and path. As Em put it and I couldn't agree more; "you made this decision when you made it because she's walking through those doors right now" (or something similar). And I truly believe that.
It's so funny because there have been two times in these eight months that I have reached out to our sw asking and flirting with the idea of changing age range (not gender). The last time I reached out to him was just last week! And I wasn't clear, just flirting. We ultimately decided there was no way we wanted to change... and here, look, only days later! The biggest change is not age for me but gender selection. My old mantra was, "well, you can't pick when your pregnant"! Well, guess what, you can pick when you're adopting and they all need homes. Soooooo I'm so over that already. This is the plan and I can't wait to feel it unfold and see her face!
How surreal to say that - This is completely crazy, but one of the first things I'm going to do and have been planning to do if we got a girl was to buy a beautiful chandelier for her room! Now I can start planning!! Woo hoo!
Love and hugs from lovely New Hampshire ~ the weather is heavenly these days~~
Feel free to only select prediction dates from now on minus gender - if you want me to change one that you currently have, alert me!