this blog was created to chart the journey to Ethiopia and back...Tessa Bezu came home August 2008!
Monday, November 24, 2008
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Happy 5th Birthday Nicholas ~ Lots of pictures!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Ketch-up post ~
My kids - it still kills me to say something like, "I'm upstairs with the KIDS". For the many of you with more than one child this seems small, but it's a wonderful BIG change in our home!
The weather outside is frightful... well, not really. I've begun listening to CHRISTmas music and I couldn't resist the cliche! It's getting pretty cold in New England, like 39 degrees cold most nights but in the fifties during most days (can't complain). But darkness hits real early this time of year here..... like 4:30 PM, yes in the afternoon. Here's a sampling of what's new at our house with TWO kids.
In health news; Tessa, Nick, and I are doing really good. My energy is getting very close to normal again! Woohoo!
This video is for Antie PQ - We made 12lbs of meatballs! It was a fun family event! ALL hands were washed well and Purell'd, no worries.... Everybody but Tessa got in on the fun of rolling!
I'll throw it at your face; you WILL NOT THROW IT AT MINE!

Tessa's first half day of daycare! Good for me, fantastic for her. It's been three months since we returned home with Tessa and we felt she was ready to start interacting with other kids and Nick at pre-school! She did AWESOME and they LOVE her there! She still needs some work with things but she continues to blow us away with her adaptability. But don't ask me about naps or bedtime! No, just kidding, she's ok with them, but it's really the only time she shows any protest. And it's slight at that!
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Gross. Germs, germs, and more germs ~

Friday, November 7, 2008
Two words!
No wonder I've been in bed so much! That's all for now....
Monday, November 3, 2008
She's still si*k!! C'mon, enough already!!!!
Nick insisted on this Optimus Prime costume that is about two sizes too small and shows a huge wedge in the back and all of his junk in the front is squeezed in like he's a Russian dancer or something. I was literally in stitches and emailed close-up shots to MP and my sister (and others.) I don't dare show them on here and I swear I'm not a crazy lady - it's just so funny and something you'd only expect to see Will Ferell do as a joke in a movie! Poor little guy, he's going to hate me for allowing him to wear it someday... And he thought he looked so cool that he wants to wear it next year. Hey, it'll be double the laughs when it's smaller!