Thursday, July 30, 2009

Some new news. Don't get excited!

Hey all. I'm here, but not really. I've barely read your blogs and obviously haven't been active with mine. Why? Oh dear, I don't have the energy now, maybe some other time.

I've been toying with the retirement of this blog. Let's face it, you've all (ten of you) heard what I have to say on almost every topic, have seen our path to Tessa Bezu and our return home almost ONE YEAR AGO!

The final decision is to not retire. I know I'd regret it soon. I've loved writing on here so much. And I love all my readers. I've made some connections through this process that I'll never ever forget.

So, with that - I'll see you either next week, tomorrow, or next month! Don't forget I'm on FB if you need me. I'm always there!

xo Lori

Friday, July 17, 2009

African thunderstorm

African thunderstorm

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This is AWESOME. We experienced so much rain and this is dead on! Thanks Laurie H. for finding and sharing this! Wow!

Don't mess w/Adoptive parents WB!

Caution: Do not watch this movie trailer with children around!

This article is what Melissa Faye Greene wrote about the film (if you can call it that).

I have a post coming up very soon about "older children" again. It's something I feel I need to address again! It's a subject very near and dear to me and this movie has resurfaced many emotions. Watch out bloggers, Lori's got a verbal vomit on the way!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Who want's pictures? Here ya go!

A post in pictures! The past couple of weeks at the lake and in swim class!
I got ZERO comments on my last post. :( I'd also be willing to travel w/anyone who get's their kiddo's (only if I know you) from Ethiopia. I know several of you that are waiting!!!! Anyone, anyone?? I can be emotional and physical support, plus love on all the kids in the care centers.
I'll save the rest for another post. For now, enjoy!

Yes, that's my mother who got soaked by MP's cannon ball! :)

First day of swim class: "Mom, put the camera down, you're embarrasing me"!

Tessa has captured the attention of these two "callers". Notice the boy next to her. Look at the placement of his right hand... I should have belted him! He must have been thinking, "my, what soft skin you have beautiful chocolate princess."

Nick, he can capture an audience too. "I can swim better than you two pin heads".

Yay, class is over. "Did you say we're going to McDonalds?????"

Nick watching his sister swimming - I love how he adores her!

Cornrows!! Someone's leggies are filling out! But not her bum, her swim bottom was falling off!

Snoopy after his swim at the lake, I love how he's biting his lip!

Two kids that need a new hair - do!

Sunset at the lake w/a cocktail. Life is good! My cocktail preference is NOT a juice box!

Beautiful girl!

This picture will be used as evidence in court as his defense attorney tries to get him off the murder charges against me!

Ok, Kiki, it's six-tini, let me go so I can go make my cocktail already!

Friday, July 10, 2009

I want you, again! W/Added video!

Drawn from Water from Drawn From Water on Vimeo.

Hey guys - it's the pest, the one who can't shake Ethiopia. And since I cannot get MP on board with another toddler adoption right now (but future) I am searching for ways to stay connected to Ethiopia and feel called to do something now.

Team Ethiopia kicked ASS with our two wells. I cannot wait to get all the information from them WAY down the road with the specific locations of our wells to share with you all!!!

So, here's the deal. I'm searching and searching. This next passion/obsession is not about raising money. Let's face it, I asked, you responded! This next one is about getting my buttocks back to Ethiopia on a mission trip/aid work trip.

I've found some very interesting ways to go, and they're quite resonably priced. But I want to get a sense if anyone else would be interested in going as well. This year is OUT for me for several reasons, but I'm thinking about a trip next year (not that far away).

Many of you are waiting to travel or will have just come home w/your kiddos, but some of you are in the same spot as me! YOU are who I'm calling, and some of you know exactly who you are!

There are several dates, time spans there, and ways to help. We can either form a group, or I'll go alone :(.

So, even if you're not in the adoption community Ethiopia's children need you! I want you! If you have an ounce of interest you can email me privately, fb an email, or write in the comment section. I'm just dipping my toes in the water to check the temperature of all of you.

Won't you come? I'm fun! :)

A New Post!

Sorry, still working on it! ;)