this blog was created to chart the journey to Ethiopia and back...Tessa Bezu came home August 2008!
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Dinner with the Parkers!
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Monday/Tuesday~LONG ONE!
Videographer/crapographer... you decide! You'd never know I actually went to film school by the horrid filming I did in Ethiopia! Most of our videos are of my freaking knee caps because I seem to have mistaken "standby" with "record" and everytime I thought I was recording it was in "standby mode", idiot! At least some videos made it!! To my own defense (I'm prosecutor and defendant all in one) this camera was purchased mere days before our departure! OK? The sticker on my forehead stayed there for a very long time because it was the first pro action my daughter showed to me by placing it there with a smile! :)

Room with a view... our balcony.

And the bathroom, thankfully we never got ill and spent much time in here! Phew!

Devlish play and even aggressive play was all she did there - what a difference now.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008
ps... I'll probably have an update on our second day later tonight!
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Happy girl and the official day one on the ground!

The view accross the street from Teddi's home...
Can you see the dirt road? This was the entire trip to the village from Awassa!
It blows my mind to think of the remote place she came from and to now be all the way accross the world to our little New England town.
Back at the hotel in Awassa after the long day - we changed and went to dinner with our trip-mates!
Drained - in every way.... next day, up for a 5:00am departure back to Addis to shower and head to the embassy appointment with the girl who cried, "I've been adopted by axe murderers", "don't make me go with them"! The scratches on my neck the next day when we went to pick her up proved her disgust with me!
Did we actually go to Africa?????????
Friday, August 22, 2008
Logan to Bole, all in a days work~
I'd love to write a whole bunch and have been prolonging writing until I was feeling "better" but wanted to at least do some pictures of our trip to Addis.... Since returning home I have a fractured tail bone (from trying to show Tarikua Tessa how to use the 2' kiddie slide in the finished basement) and a cruddy sinus infection! Things could be worse, trust me! We're loving her and I am hoping to show videos etc. in the next couple of days that show each day of our trip. I still cannot wait to go back...

Having our last alone time at the airport, MP sporting a cocktail and I with a Bloody Mary, it was well into the afternoon after all~

Just got on the plane and I'm beyond psyched to have been bumped to business - woo hoo~

We were so afraid to fly Lufthansa because of the recent strike but we were just past the chaos that alot of families faced and had an amazing flight experience (minus the dreadful stop in Sudan which seemed to last forever when we were only a mere 1.5 hours til Bole, Addis)

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Look at the face of a cherub!
Quickie update of home pics. I just took last night and today... I'll post about THE TRIP another time but just so you guys aren't hanging, the reason it was "horrid" was because of her reaction (or shear hatred) towards us. The trip and Ethiopia itself was the most amazing experience - visiting the birth family and the long journey to them was so extraordinary that I don't know that any words will ever do it justice. It was unlike any scenery I had ever witnessed and I will forever have those couple of days in my memory by sight, sound, and smell.
Addis and the Wide Horizons experience was beautiful, it was so different than I had expected and I really saw the beauty in the city and also the people - ugh, so beautiful.
The reason that we were there was the only part of the trip that was utter hell. At one point I ran out of the room she was in bawling, I was trying to think of a way out of the whole thing and if we'd be able to book a flight home, alone. Being convinced that I had just f'd up my little happy family of three rocked me and made vomit sit at the top of my throat for days.
And then, it began to lift, like peeling an onion, skin by skin she began to acknowledge me/us. We have a ton of work left to do but what has occurred in the past week is nothing short of a miracle. She is tremendous and every single bit of a diva and little baby all rolled into one. I never thought that a three year old would make my heart race and my hands tremble at the thought of having to see her again on those days but she had the power to scare me like I've never been scared in my life. She was a dream come true coming home and slept almost the entire time - whew! None of us got ill and we are beyond blessed for that fact. We are only slightly tired and life/laundry/shopping is all in order! The house is now complete and ready to keep us all happy for the week! MP has the week off too!
I'm so excited to talk about the details of the trip and of our little peanut - we are so blessed... If you want to know what she sounds like before I get around to posting video then just remember "Boo" from Monster's Inc.... that is her voice and giggle!! :) And she just did it! She's sitting behind me on the office chair tracing the tattoo on my lower back (what's with my kids and touching my back anyway)??!!
There are very few pictures of our trip with her for the reasons above but I will share a few of the less painful ones in the coming days. God put a mountain in front of us last week and we have certainly braved the worst of it and can't wait to enjoy our new life together as a family of four.
I CAN'T WAIT TO GO BACK (not like tomorrow or anything crazy) and explore more of the intoxicating country of Ethiopia - and when I say intoxicating I mean it.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Back in the USA!
My worst nightmare came true along with watching a miracle unfold day by day... life will be wonderful in a short amount of time -
Glad to be home - glad to be home...
Friday, August 15, 2008
Heard it through the grapevine...

Be well.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Short & Sweet....
Monday, August 11, 2008
I just talked to Lori!!!!!

They arrived around midnight Saturday night and had to get up for breakfast at 5am on Sunday. They were wisked to the care center to meet Bezu for a brief moment which was not entirely filled with joy...who can honestly say they enjoy being woken up early in the morning to meet strangers??? Anyway, they said their brief "hello" and were off to the village to meet the birth family. They drove for 4+ hours to a city called Awassa and picked up an interpreter. Then drove another 2+ hours on bumpy, windy dirt roads into the mountains, which Lori has described as magnificent! She said there are animals everywhere! They saw a cow lying in the road and everyone just went around it!
They met with Bezu's birth mom and were also able to experience another family's visit with their child's birth family. What an incredible day! On the way back they stayed the night in Awassa in a very nice hotel.
This morning they were up again at the crack of dawn (5am) to head back. When they got back they had lunch and spent time with Bezu while traveling to the US Embassy. From what Lori described, she IS the little Diva that she thought she may be! She even turns her shoulder to Lori as if to say "what-ev-aaa!" Tonight they will have dinner at an Ethiopian restaraunt and see some cultural dancing.
The great thing is now that they have met the birth family and taken care of business at the embassy, they can spend the rest of the week making their own schedule with Bezu before the trek home.
Lori is so incredibly excited and as happy as ever and they are out of their minds with love for this sweet little girl. I must admit that I am going crazy waiting to meet her...our whole family is!!
I'll add more after I talk to Lori in a couple days. Oh by the way...for those of you who have not gone yet, make sure you have the correct adapters (Lori is going to be so P.O.'ed at me for writing that!!!)
Sunday, August 10, 2008
They made it!!!
Thursday, August 7, 2008
It's still all so surreal even at this point but I love it!
Love and hugs to everyone.... see you on the other side soon Tarikua Bezu! We cannot wait to meet you!
Kiki will keep ya'll posted! xoxo Lor - THIS IS JUST CRAZY!!!! :)
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
This is only a test.....

Goodbye??? Perhaps...
Well, it's not 100% done but I want to get these up anyway before it get's trashed with kid stuff (as any happy children's room should be - grr) The walls will be peppered with pictures, happy pictures of Bezu and her new family!!! Other than that it's done! And we need to find a cute little bird stuffed animal for the birdcage!

Crystal lamps = $20 each!! Canvas artwork (reg. $130) = $25!!

The dog who wanted to be a princess = priceless!! I can't keep him out of her tiny room!!

Me in our old dining room turned staging zone! I'm so excited!!! Thanksgiving around our table will be spectacular this year - we have SO much that we're thankful for, so, so much!
I still can't figure out how to post pictured in a certain order! I bought this shelf for $10 and painted and distressed it! Notice the fairy princess wand and tiara!! Nick LOVES to play with them - oh jeez! He hasn't shown intrest in trying on her tutu... yet!
Finally - me and my guy today on our last full day as boyfriend and girlfriend alone! I was so sad about that a couple of weeks ago but now I am fully ready to take this next jump and begin anew! It's time and we're ready in every sense of the word! Bring it on!
There's not a ton of stuff left to do but enough that tomorrow will be quite busy, I cleaned the refrigerator top to bottom last night which is another sign of nesting!
Welcome home to all the BU 08' families - I wish we were there but am glad that we had some very important things keeping us on the east coast! Hopefully there will be a BU 09'!!
This may be my last post before we leave, we'll see! If so, ciao everyone, see you on the other side (of the world that is). Auntie Kiki (my sister Michelle) will be doing blog updates via our phone calls when we're away. There's nothing more annoying than knowing a friend is in Addis and not getting any info! Hopefully she'll do pictures too!!! She's never blogged before and for that matter neither have any of my LIVE friends... everyone probably thinks I don't have any real friends but I certainly do, they just don't do computer stuff as additively as I. So if you can, cheer on Kiki so she'll be inspired to do a good and thorough job!
Oh yeah, we're leaving Friday 8-8-08 in the afternoon and arriving in Addis at 8:30 Saturday night. We'll sleep and wake up early to meet our daughter Sunday morning! So it will be around 1:00am EST (you'll all be asleep)!
We'll be coming home (hopefully) Saturday the 16th (leaving Addis the 15th) in the afternoon. We're coming straight into Boston Logan airport from Germany which is nice, then just a quick one hour ride home (in two cars of course).... how exciting.
Lor xo